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Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see when/where we will be holding local qualifiers; otherwise, continue reading for all the information you need on the Singles Program.
For more information on the National Singles Championship in Las Vegas........
Click Here
Winning a local qualifier will advance you to the Regional tournament.
And, did you know that at the Regional and National events you are seeded with players of your own abilities?
If you qualify between January 1st and June 15th, you will advance to the Fall Regional (typically held the first weekend in October). If you qualify between June 16th and November 30th, you will advance to the Spring Regional (typically held the first weekend in March). The cost for a standard, 8-person, single elimination board is $25.00 (no table time required). This will qualify one person to the Regional. The cost for a 16-person Splash Board (true double elimination) is $50.00 (no table time required) and this will qualify five people to the Regional!
If you are on an active roster and have reached 10 matches played in that format, YOU NOW ARE ELIGIBLE TO COME PLAY! (You can only play in an 8-ball qualifier if you are on an 8-ball team roster and have a minimum of 10 lifetime 8-ball matches played, and you can only play in a 9-ball qualifier if you are on a 9-ball team roster and have a minimum of 10 lifetime 9-ball matches played).
If you are an existing member
wanting to play, your 10 lifetime matches must have occurred within the past 2 years.
If there are not enough participants in a particular skill level tier (generally the 1-3 bracket in 9-ball and the 2-3 bracket in 8-ball), to qualify a player to Vegas, the APA National has the right to transfer players to the next Regional. If this is the case, it most likely happens during qualification to the Fall Regional. Without enough participants in the above groups (or any others), players will be transferred to the Spring Regional and will be notified as such by the National office. In the UNLIKELY event there are not enough participants for qualification to Vegas in the Spring Regional from our area, players are generally transferred to another regions Regional, as close as possible to us. The National office will avoid an additional transfer to the next years' Regional at all cost. So, to keep this from happening, let's get as many players from our area qualified to each Regional as possible!
You are responsible to know whether or not your are eligible to play. If you play on a Singles Board and were not eligible to do so, your money will not be refunded. Details on the Singles program can be found here, on this page, and also on the Board that you will sign in order to participate.
There will be Singles Qualifiers as follows:
Saturday, 11-30-24, sign up's at noon with play starting at 1:00 p.m. at Diamond Billiards. This will be your last chance to qualify for the Spring Regional in March. Your Tournament Director is Raymond Walters and he can be reached at 804-301-3666. Good luck!