If you are interested in playing, but don't have a team, please contact Dawn or Marguerite at 804-740-7225.  The Richmond area Ladies league plays on Saturdays (approx. two Saturday's/month) and the Fredericksburg Ladies league plays on Sundays (approx. two Sunday's/month).  There is free practice at noon and match play starts at 1:00 p.m.   For Richmond, all Ladies packets for the entire session will be delivered to the location where you play so you do not need to pick them up!  Richmond area teams must drop their packets by Sunday at 7:00 p.m. unless playing at a location that has an official drop box, in which case they must be dropped Saturday once the match is over.  
NOTE:  The host locations listed on your team schedules or member logins are NOT reflective of where you play each week!  The location schedule listed here will tell you where your matches are being held, including the playoff dates and locations.
Anywhere that indicates Your Place or Mine is now Mell J's South.  Some information may have been posted prior to the name change.

Changes to the Ladies League effective with Fall 2021 Session


Fall 2024/Spring 2025 - Fredericksburg Ladies Schedule


Fall 2024/Spring 2025 - Richmond Ladies Schedule